Our growing family

Our growing family
Just the three of us

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The first 6 weeks!

It has already been 6 weeks since Liam was born! I can't believe how fast time is going! We had a couple rough weeks there as both Liam and I came down with a stomach virus. We both had fevers and spent a lot of time at the doctors office. If he wasn't asleep, Liam was crying. We felt very helpless as nothing seemed to make him feel better. Thankfully we are both feeling better and Liam is a much happier baby (which makes for happier parents!)

I have been spending my days at home with Liam.  Liam loves to be outside, so we go on a walk in the morning before he goes down for a nap. We spend most of our time at home as we are down to one car right now and Matt takes it to work. It's been such a blessing to spend time with Liam and I am trying to enjoy every moment because I know we won't always have this time together.

Matt has been working hard at the base. Monday-Wednesday he has been spending his time as the head of the tech and graphics department. He is in charge of YWAM Nashville's website and is always looking for new ways to communicate with people what we as an organization and as a base are all about. Thursday and Friday he and the rest of the staff have been prepping for the upcoming Discipleship Training School (DTS). As a base, we desire to give the students the best experience possible. Part of that is taking pride in what the Lord has blessed us with and making the most of it. This means big renovations! Matt has been working hard re-tiling the dorm rooms and giving the base an overall makeover. The progress looks great and we are excited to welcome the new DTS in September. Check out the progress on our website! www.ywamnashville.org

Matt and I have been asked to be a part of the upcoming DTS. After a lot of prayer, we really feel like this is the direction that the Lord wants us to walk in. I have been a part of recruiting the students for this school over the past year and I am so excited to finally meet them and see how the Lord is going to work in their lives. This is going to be a very busy season in our lives learning to juggle being a part of the DTS as well as the parents of a 2 month old baby which are both full time jobs. We know it is going to be very tiring, but we also know that it will be very rewarding.  We are going to be relying on God's grace and we will be holding onto the fact that this is what He has spoken to us. We really feel like being a part of this DTS will help prepare us for what's to come in Nashville. We are so thankful to be at a place where we can raise our son and future children here where we not only see, but we get to be a part of lives being changed and people ruined for the ordinary!

And of course some more pictures of Liam!

4 weeks old

clearly excited 

rock on!

5 weeks!

hi there!

Bright eyed

all smiles

big boy!

already 6 weeks!!!